Iris Hosts an IT Executive Summit in NYC

Iris hosts an IT Executive Summit in NYC

CIOs and senior tech leaders from diverse industries assemble at an Iris-sponsored forum to discuss their experiences and the latest trends in emerging technologies.

Iris Software hosted its inaugural IT Executive Summit at the World Trade Center in New York City in October 2023. The successful event brought together Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and other senior technology leaders for an engaging panel discussion on the timely and complex topic of emerging technologies.

Iris CEO and co-founder, Sanjiv Khanna, greeted everyone by sharing his thoughts on technology-enabled business transformation: “Technology is something that can shape business outcomes…it is no more the invisible hand that must support business; it is now embedded in almost everything delivered to customers. And technology leadership now has a space at the table with business leadership. So it has to step up and innovate more so that business can deliver more value to customers and business partners.”

The attendees enjoyed an enriching and insightful experience as the panelists, who were from leading banks, insurers and professional services companies, elaborated on the evolving applications of newer technologies within their different enterprises, and the value or growth expected from them. The panel also commented on the increasing roles that the technology function is playing in organizations, the partnerships forging between the businesses and technology units, as well as on the future of AI.

The panel conversation, moderated by Iris CTO, Ravi Thiagarajan, encompassed business-tech rationales, challenges encountered, outcomes, and learnings from the panelists’ recent experiences related to technology modernizations and deployments of advanced technologies.  In particular, the panelists addressed:

  • Cloud Journeys – how they are leveraging cloud technology to enhance scalability, speed-to-market, and derive greater value
  • Data Science, AI & ML and their roles in businesses’ innovation cycles, noting the use of models, ML-powered insights, and explorations into GenAI solutions

The audience couldn’t resist such a thought-provoking exchange of ideas and made the forum even more interesting with their questions, most of which related to AI.

Iris thanks the esteemed panelists, client and guest attendees, and Irisians who participated in our first highly interactive and informative IT Executive Summit.


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