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How best to manage your cloud migration strategy

Leveraging cloud services to gain a competitive edge is the new imperative.

The cloud-based digital economy is rapidly taking shape with most enterprises having adopted the cloud in some form to gain competitive advantages. Cloud technology services are beginning to provide infrastructure on-demand, instant scalability, APIs (application programming interfaces) for integration, and a pay-as-you-go cost savings model.

We at Iris have been helping clients adopt and migrate to the cloud in a seamless way. Computing in the cloud, using the cloud for storage and using SaaS (software as a service) applications are rapidly becoming the ‘new normal’ in business. Yet within each business, pockets of users and other line functions exist that depend on legacy infrastructure and applications. It is in these areas where cloud adoption, cloud engineering and cloud application development services are required.

We help companies design a comprehensive and meticulous approach to make the transit to the cloud, whether it involves a single critical application or a major portion of their IT estate. Some of the key drivers for enterprises to adopt a cloud strategy include conversion of monolithic applications into services and/or micro services. That includes making existing applications available to a globally distributed user base, adopting cloud as a means of reducing costs associated with data centers, adopting Agile methods to improve efficiency and innovation, and reducing tech debt.

Re-crafting applications with a cloud-native model

Minimize unexpected downtimes by defining how applications are created and deployed.

A cloud-native approach defines how applications are created and deployed, and it is the way forward to address application failures, unexpected downtimes, and unsatisfactory customer experiences.

We help organizations convert legacy applications into cloud-native applications using DevOps and containers, thereby reducing tech debt. We also design and develop micro services, APIs, and cloud-native digital applications.

Traditional application architectures, operations, and pace of development are inadequate in a new world where the focus is shifting to providing business value to customers rather than delivering operational value. To achieve this, enterprises have to reimagine application environments – change the way they design, build and use applications to succeed in a fast-paced, software-driven world.

Cloud-native applications, which are a collection of small, independent and loosely coupled services perfectly meet this need. Centered on APIs for interaction and collaboration, packaged as lightweight containers, developed with best of breed languages and frameworks and managed through Agile DevOps processes, they deliver apps at the pace a business needs them.

The cloud-native approach requires the development and IT operations team to evolve in many different ways to build and deploy applications faster and more efficiently.

We at Iris have specialized expertise in developing complex application environments and understand the need for improvements across architectures, infrastructure and processes. Our value-led approach to application services helps organizations explore the cloud-native journey and drive innovation and speed within the enterprise.

Checklist for cloud migration

Legacy systems, scalability, costs and tech debt are the moving pieces in a cloud shift.

In executing a cloud migration strategy, we first prepare the ground with a set of checks:

  • We conduct a cloud readiness and economic assessment based on business challenges and determine the migration approach.
  • We assess the existing operating environment to identify opportunities for cost, security and optimizations.
  • We develop a cloud roadmap journey with short, medium- and long-term business objectives.

We outline and define the planning and architecture of the migration thus:

  • Modernize DevOps approaches to leverage automation.
  • Support the execution of the roadmap and strategy.

What We Offer

Containerization of apps

Self-contained apps, a multi-cloud approach and scalability considerations are permeating the enterprise.

Container management platforms are emerging as a preferred alternative as they provide operating system virtualization and are getting ubiquitous in the enterprise IT strategy. When this is paired with the advances and increased adoption of DevOps across businesses, containerized applications help reduce development time and increase functionality.

Containers are proliferating the enterprise and are becoming a crucial part of a digital transformation journey. With different business objectives and timelines, the common denominator is a consideration for the value that containers and micro services can offer in helping organizations modernize and restructure IT processes.

The portability of containers both internally and on the cloud, combined with their low cost makes them a great substitute to virtual machines. However, a container strategy has to be designed with care. Most organizations do not have the requisite skillsets to seamlessly adopt new technologies, and a flawed step could result in unhappy consequences. It is also important to recognize from the start that not all systems fit the containerization and micro services model.

It might still be appropriate to let certain legacy applications run their course until there is a compelling business need to migrate them. Some considerations that need to be clearly identified up front: having the right DevOps strategy and team in place with security as a forethought, carefully approaching runtime and orchestration engines, choosing appropriate containerization workloads, choosing the right monitoring tools and outlining RoI expectations effectively. A specialized outsourced partner could be better equipped to advice and manage the execution.

We help organizations define their containerization strategy and run critical workloads in production. We have helped several businesses refactor and repackage legacy applications and environments for containers.

Utilizing the container as a service model, we help enterprises build scalable, containerized applications either on-premises or on the cloud by using a container-based virtualization, an application programming interface (API) or a web portal interface.

We deploy containerization services for the public cloud utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM Bluemix, Microsoft Azure and CaaS orchestration platforms like Docker Swarm and Google Kubernetes.

Global delivery model

Our resources teams, cloud provider partnerships and global delivery model make a formidable combination.

We have expertise in delivering value to our customers on the Azure, AWS and Pivotal cloud platforms. Our experience ranges from multi-cloud application development/migration to cloud-based data/big data and analytics platform engineering.

Our resources team includes cloud architects, engineers, developers, testers and other professionals. Our talent pool consists of personnel with skills across the software development lifecycle – from business analysts to architects, designers, developers and testers to those with specialized skills such as cloud engineers, data scientists, product engineers and automation testers.

We leverage our experience by working with major cloud providers – including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and IBM Bluemix platforms – to help organizations accelerate their transformation and meet their business-critical requirements.

We follow a global delivery model to provide enhanced customer experience at a competitive cost, delivered by cloud architects, engineers, developers, testers and account management professionals.


Our experts can help you find the right solutions to meet your needs.

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