Our Capabilities

Embracing the cloud for better data management
Gain accurate, real-time and actionable insights with better data management and analytics.
Data from disparate sources makes it difficult for organizations to get a unified view. Increased computing power, mobile technology, thousands of news feeds and sources, the rise of digital businesses and millions of IoT devices have spawned an exponential growth in the volume of data. That challenge gets bigger with decreased storage costs and the transition to cost-effective and elastic public and converged private clouds.
The task of managing all that data raises formidable issues. How do you collect the data? How do you store it? Can you trace it back? In order to derive actionable insights, it has to be gleaned, sorted, moved, processed, analyzed and integrated efficiently. Decisions, policies, strategies and the ways of working are all defined by analyzing past data and determining future trends. With more and more businesses adopting cloud strategies, another challenge is in finding people with the right skill sets to execute their cloud migration and data integration programs.
The right approach for businesses is to create an effective strategy to manage cloud and data migration. That may involve a “lift-and-shift” approach, migrating from a legacy database to a cloud-native database, determining the ETL (extract, transform and load) framework, moving to an IaaS (infrastructure as a service) provider to support a broad variety of analytics workflows, or zeroing in on SaaS (software as a service) or PaaS (platform as a service) offerings. Businesses could leverage a combination of those offerings to define a comprehensive cloud-based modern data architecture.
We offer services and solutions for:
- Big Data; data lake; and data warehouse
- ETL; ELT; and data pipes
- Data governance; data lineage; and DataOps
- Data catalog; data quality
- Data virtualization
- MDM; and reference data
- Transformation to public cloud (AWS, MS Azure, GCP)
Our services and solutions include data science-based solution accelerators such as machine learning data catalog.

Transform enterprise-wide with revamped architecture
Convert data into business assets with support to build, deploy and manage cloud-based architectures.
We at Iris have partnered with several businesses to help them turn their data into business assets and help them stay competitive. We specialize in building, deploying and maintaining cloud-based modern data architectures spanning best-of-breed tools and technologies.
Our suite of solutions for data and analytics services comprises information management, ETL, enterprise data warehousing, data quality and governance, master data management and Big Data – data management and analytics.
We partner with industry leaders such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure for IaaS platforms and IBM Bluemix for PaaS platforms. We offer a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services. Our consultants execute petabyte-scale implementations with deep skills across Cloudera and Hortonworks distributions and Big Data skills of Hive, HBase, Sqoop, Spark, Yarn, Oozie, etc.
We apply a 'data transformation framework' that helps organizations upgrade their traditional data applications — operational data stores (ODSs), data warehouses, and other data platforms and practices within data warehousing and enterprise data management — to modern data architecture. The framework covers transformation across the dimensions of data sources and types, data formats, data delivery, data and design patterns, and data landscape and governance.
In addition, we partner with customer organizations in building domain-based centralized data lakes including provisioning for a raw, unrefined view of data to data scientists and analysts for further discovery and analytics.
We offer services and solutions for:
- Enterprise reports; and visualization
- Dashboards; and scorecards
- BI consolidation – report rationalization
- Transformation to modern BI
- Advanced analytics
- Transformation to public cloud (AWS, MS Azure, GCP)
Our services and solutions include data science-based solution accelerators such as the Iris rationalization accelerator.