Order management platform transformation


New platform transforms transactions processes

Platform transformation and multi-cloud integration improve multinational publishing company's order management, time-to-market and performance.

Multinational publishing, media, and educational company
Improve order management and transaction processing capabilities
Technology Tools
AWS EKS, Kong, Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC), Salesforce CRM, Jenkins, Sumo Logic, Datadog
Business Challenge

The client's order management platform was complex and had scalability issues, causing poor customer experience and loss of revenue. The platform was hosted on Oracle cloud, with data stored in different repositories. Services were also hosted in the Oracle cloud, which used the BICC extract to fetch information about order details from Oracle databases. The low performance of customer-facing applications was causing latency and very high transaction processing time.


Team Iris transformed Oracle-based SOA services into six microservices and migrated them to AWS EKS for autoscaling with self-healing and monitoring capabilities.

We developed services for publishing data to Salesforce CRM for quick order processing and conversions. The BICC system for diversified information and order history was enabled with real-time integration between Oracle Fusion and materialized views for data consumption.

Post migration, these services were registered in Kong for discovery, and a CI/CD pipeline was created for deployment using Jenkins. Sumo Logic was used for monitoring the logs, and Datadog was used to observe latency, anomalies and other metrics.


The order management platform transformation delivered the following benefits to the client:

  • System performance improved by 70%
  • Transaction processing capability increased by 4x
  • Order processing capabilities were enhanced by 200%
  • Total cost of ownership (TCO) was reduced by 30%

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Custom analytics enable faster business decisions


Custom analytics enable faster business decisions

Optimized data and on-demand analytics deliver faster business insights and better user experience for asset management firm

U.S.-based asset management company
Streamline and improve data and analytics capabilities for enhanced user experiences
Technology Tools
Java, React JS, MS SQL Server, Spring Boot, GitHub, Jenkins
Business Challenge

The client captures voluminous data from multiple internal and external sources. The absence of quick, on-demand capabilities for business users was inefficient in generating customized portfolio analytics on attributes such as average quality, yield to maturity, average coupon, etc.

The client teams were spending enormous amounts of manual effort and elapsed time (approximately 12-15 hours) to respond to requests for proposals from their respective clients.


Iris implemented a data acquisition and analytics system with pre-processing capabilities for grouping, classifying, and handling historical data.

A data dictionary was established for key concepts, such as asset classes and industry classifications, enabling end users to access data for analytical computation. The analytics engine was refactored, optimized, and integrated into the streamlined investment performance data infrastructure.

The team developed an interactive self-service capability, allowing business users to track data availability, perform advanced searches, generate custom analytics, visualize information, and utilize the insights for decision-making.


The solution brought several benefits to the client, including:

  • Simplified data access to generate custom analytics for end users
  • Eliminated manual processing and the need for complex queries
  • Enhanced the stakeholder experience
  • Reduced response time to client RFPs by over 50%

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Test Automation Speeds Model Risk Management System

Test Automation Speeds Model Risk Management System


Test Automation Speeds Model Risk Management System

Automated testing for a top international bank's model risk management system brings efficiency and reliability.


Top international bank


Fully automate the model risk management system framework to improve quality and confidence in testing results

Tools and technologies

Java, Selenium, Maven, TestNG, Git


The client's existing model risk framework was inefficiently handling functional testing aspects and risk scenarios due to lack of an end-to-end testing framework. Built on redundant, hard-to-debug, and non-scalable code, the system was unreliable for model risk testing. Test cases and controls were maintained and executed in Excel, eliminating parallel workflow abilities, tempering testing results, contributing to increased testing efforts and even delaying production launches in some cases. Scalability of testing using automation, running data-driven, end-to-end test flows, and restoring confidence in test results were the client's prime challenges.


Iris built a lightweight and scalable new framework, providing 100% automated regression testing of functional test cases. Using simplified, customizable code that separated automation utilities and test functions, Iris' solution brought multiple improvements. Among them was faster test execution due to significantly reduced manual efforts. It also resulted in better quality and stability from the early identification of testing issues, enabling immediate corrective actions to occur. Another advantage of the solution was adaptability to multiple application areas due to ease of maintainability and traceability of code employed.


The client experienced several positive effects from the new, fully-automated solution:

  • Acquired a 100% stable, scalable, reusable test framework
  • ROI of 72%; payback period of less than 8 months
  • 20% reduction in testing efforts for faster time to market
  • Significant decrease in time required for ongoing maintenance of test scripts


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Data warehouse enhances client communications

Data warehouse enhances client communications

Asset Management

Investment data warehouse enhances client communications

Account management and marketing teams of an investment bank acquired improved multi-channel client communications and portfolio management capabilities with a data warehouse and a single source of truth.


A U.S.-based investment bank


Improve data collation and information quality for enhanced marketing and client reporting functions

Tools and technologies

Composite C1, Oracle DB, PostgreSQL, Vermilion Reporting Suite, Python, MS SQL Server, React.js


The client’s existing investment data structure lacked a single source of truth for investment and performance data. The account management and marketing teams were making significant manual efforts to track portfolio performance, identify opportunities and ensure accurate client reporting. The time-consuming and manual processes of generating marketing exhibits and client reports were highly error-prone.


Iris implemented a comprehensive investment data infrastructure for a single source of truth and improved reporting capabilities for marketing content and client report generation. An automated Quality Assurance process was instituted to validate the information in critical marketing materials, such as fact sheets, snapshots, sales kits, and flyers, against the respective data source systems. Retail and institutional portals were developed to provide a consolidated view of portfolios, with the ability to drill down to underlying assets, AUM (Assets Under Management) trends, incentives, commissions, and active opportunities.


The new data infrastructure delivered a holistic, on-demand view of investment details, including performance characteristics, breakdowns, attributions, and holdings, to the client's marketing team and account managers with: 

  • ~95% reduction in performance data and exhibit information discrepancies
  • ~60% improvement in operational efficiency in core marketing and client reporting functions


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Brokerage platform transformation improves UX

Brokerage platform transformation improves UX

Brokerage & Wealth

Brokerage platform transformation achieves superior UX

A monolithic registered investment advisor (RIA) platform transformed into microservices helps a leading brokerage firm achieve enhanced operations and user experience.


A leading U.S. brokerage firm with $1+ trillion in assets and serving 6,000+ RIAs


Resolve online platform accessibility, functionality and timeliness issues

Tools and technologies

Angular 9, Jenkins, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Oracle, Kubernetes, Spring, Docker


Client’s existing brokerage platform supporting over 6,000 Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) and containing information about assets valued at more than $1 trillion had accessibility issues. The high cost of owning and maintaining outdated technologies and time-to-market for new features were adding to the business challenges.


Iris transitioned the client’s monolith applications to microservices to transform the RIA platform. An open-source, cloud technical stack was leveraged to develop a single-page, micro-UI-based application. BFF (Backend for Frontend) design was applied, and Angular 9 was used to achieve superior compatibility on mobile devices. Widgets were introduced to enable seamless transitions within third-party applications. Consolidated user views were created to track assets and their performance for a unified experience for the RIAs.


The RIA platform transformation enabled the client to achieve significant functional enhancements, including:
  • Fully functional mobile views
  • 100+ integrated third-party applications
  • Instant and seamless access to client accounts
  • Downtime for hot deployments of fixes brought to zero
  • Technical debt decreased by 45%
  • Release timelines shortened by 80%
  • Issue resolution time reduced by 90%


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Digital ledger secures trading integrity

Digital ledger secures trading integrity

Banking & Financial Services

Digital ledger secures trading integrity

Automated, expandable distributed ledger system resolves trade reconciliation and compliance issues and lowers costs for global bank.


Global bank's trading operations


Resolve trading transaction breaks and related regulatory issues through expandable intra-company digital ledger system

Tools and technologies

Hyperledger Fabric 1.4/2.2, Java 8, Go Language 1.8, Kafka, Node JS, Microservices, OpenShift, Dockers, Kubernetes


A highly-manual, paper-dependent, trading and reconciliation process was causing the accumulation of a large number of daily transaction liquidity breaks, which had been cited by federal regulators and risked a billion dollar cost impact. The lack of a robust trade audit and reconciliation process to reduce liquidity breaks and operating costs led the bank to seek an immutable system that could record and unify financial practices and be expanded to other transaction areas.


Iris' solution comprised a production-ready, configurable platform using microservices and blockchain-based digital ledger architecture. It employed Smart Contracts coded with requisite business rules to facilitate front office trade booking and trade reconciliation processes. RPA was utilized to automate data mapping and testing of transactions. Preventive controls were enabled by recording intra-company transactions at their initiation using uniform booking practices, and consequently guaranteeing the term of the trade. A multi-layered infrastructure was created to support real-time, batch streaming of differing file formats. The UX was enriched through Interactive UI and automated workflows.


Iris successfully introduced a global intra-company distributed ledger and trade reconciliation system that did not exist before. With self-executing contracts matching both sides of transactions prior to feeding downstream systems, the platform ensures complete integrity at the source and reduces time and cost for all transactions. The solution also achieved:

  • 30% fewer liquidity breaks
  • 70% improvement in operational efficiency due to the use of RPA
  • 60% reduction in business-rules configuration time, due to the smart contracts


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Software transformation gets compliance for bank

Software transformation gets compliance for bank

Risk & Compliance

Software transformation gets FDIC compliance for bank

World’s renowned investment bank gets timely compliant with new QFC (Qualified Financial Contracts) and FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.) regulations through holistic system transformation and extensive QA & testing.


A global investment bank


To have a unified functional validation system for FDIC compliance

Tools and technologies

SQL Server, Sybase, Data Lake, UTM, .NET, DTA, Control-M, ALM, JIRA, Git, RLM, Nexus, Unix, WinSCP, Putty, Python, PyCharm, Confluence, Rabacus, SNS, and Datawatch


The client mandated to comply with new QFC (Qualified Financial Contracts) regulations. The client also needed to perform in-depth functional validation across a revamped data platform to ensure it could timely process, review and submit to the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.) required daily reports on the open QFC positions of all its counterparties. The project entailed immediate availability and processing of accurate QFC information at the close of each business day to swiftly assess data and note exceptions and exclusions for early corrective action. It also aimed to help the client meet stringent deadlines with varied report formats. Any breach or delay in compliance could attach hefty fines and reputational damage to the bank.


Iris revamped the entire system and performed end-to-end quality assurance and testing across the new regulatory reporting platform. This meant validating the transformed multi-layer database, user interface (UI), business process rules, and downstream applications. We identified and solved workflow design gaps affecting data reporting on all open positions, agreements, margins, collaterals, and corporate entities, thus enhancing the capability for addressing irregularities. Our experts established an integrated and collaborative system, commanding transaction and reference data within a single platform by incorporating 166 distinct controls pertaining to data completeness, accuracy, consistency, and timeliness within a strategic framework.


Our quality assurance and testing solution delivered the following impacts:
  • Faster and more efficient internal analysis with highly accurate QFC open positions
  • 100% compliance with timing and format of required daily QFC report submissions to the FDIC
  • Significant decrease in exceptions before the platform went go-live and zeroed critical defect delivery post-go-live
  • An intuitive UI dashboard reflecting the real-time status of critical underlying data volumes, leakages, job run, and other stats


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IT modernization lowers costs for capital markets

IT modernization lowers costs for capital markets

Capital Markets

IT modernization lowers costs for capital markets

Age-old applications built on legacy technologies were affecting the client’s investment banking functions. Iris modernized the existing application architecture and helped the client save tremendous costs and turnaround time.


A major financial institution


Re-engineer key compliance application for greater efficiency

Tools and technologies

Oracle 12c, 19c, Elastic, Java and Kafka


The client’s existing database application architecture was resulting in poor performance that was adversely affecting 10,000 investment banking functions. The age-old application posture was disrupting the compliance process for the global M&A, IPO, and other financing deals. The client’s customers were encountering problems such as regulations access, inconsistent or unusable data/deal search results, lagging database updates, delayed response time. The need for a capable system to support duplicate searches, and increasing ad-hoc IT redress efforts and costs were other prime concerns.


Our tech experts re-engineered the entire compliance application and set up a new software system. We upgraded selective elements to improve the infrastructure performance and usage feasibility. The modernized system with new technology architecture streamlined processes and enabled faster, more advanced interactions between the information databases, search queries, and retrieval mechanisms. Complex procedures and the process of viewing features were also simplified.


The solution improved the user experience, turnarounds, data quality, deal compliance, and risk management processes while lowering the costs. Major impacts of the solution include:

  • Reduced system issues by 93%, while 7% tackled subsequently
  • Reduced enterprise-level license costs significantly
  • Improved advanced search features
  • Reduced costs of multiple searches per document by $200,000 per year
  • Enabled views generation for info responses in less than 3 seconds
  • Reduced system maintenance and development efforts by 20%


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Platform re-engineering for operational efficiency

Platform re-engineering for operational efficiency

Banking & Financial

Re-engineering data extraction platform for increased efficiency

A legacy data extraction platform was limiting business efficiency and transaction processing capabilities. Iris system modernization and platform re-engineering platform services advanced the operational efficiency manifold.


One of the top 20 brokerage banks in North America


Modernize an existing, licensed data platform to meet the increasing volume of transactions and product offerings

Tools and technologies

Python, Core Java, Oracle, ETL Framework, Apache Zookeeper, Anaconda, Maven, Bamboo, Sonar, Bitbucket


The client had a licensed data platform for enterprise-wide risk and compliance operations. Spiked volumes with various financial product offerings and trades were restricting the processes and limiting the analytical capabilities on the existing platform. The system upgrade was required to support related, complex credit risk calculations. These calculations serve as a ground for several thousand bankers/ traders to make loan and investment decisions for customers. System modernization would also cater to the internal transaction and regulatory reporting requirements.


Iris system re-engineering experts designed and implemented a scalable and highly configurable data extraction platform having global data architecture. This ETL framework-based platform enables faster, more efficient onboarding, consolidation, and processing of the numerous variable product and trading data input sources. The re-engineered platform was enabled with value-adds and tools to automate, tabulate, compare, reserve, validate and test data. We integrated the data extraction platform seamlessly with downstream risk applications and system adaptability to accommodate operational/business needs.


Our data platform re-engineering solution enabled the client to achieve enormous benefits, including user experience, data quality, and risk management capabilities. Key outcomes of the solution constitute:
  • Quicker, real-time configuration and execution of 500+ jobs for loading trade feed
  • Zeroed downtime, even during the trade reference data changes
  • 15% faster onboarding of the new feed or data source
  • Nearly 20% faster throughput for various critical feeds with parallel processing feature
  • Reduced anomalies and duplication with improved consistency
  • 35-40% savings in annual third-party platform/ module license fees.
  • Standardized and streamlined onboarding processes and turnaround time, scaling the operations efficiencies


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IT modernization boosts Insurance customer base

IT modernization boosts Insurance customer base


IT modernization boosts Insurance customer base

Existing applications and business systems of a Fortune 500 Insurance Carrier were inadequate to meet customer expectations. Iris business systems transformation solution enabled the client to deliver a consistent customer experience, improving acquisition and retention significantly.


A leading American Fortune 500 Insurance Services Provider, offering insurance, investment management and other financial products and services across the Americas and 40 other countries

Business Drivers

To advance business agility and customer experience through modernized business systems

Technologies and Frameworks

C#/.NET, JAVA, DevOps, Python, NodeJS, App Services, Managed Application Support


The client’s existing business applications, systems, and support services were in stasis and not delivering the much-needed value to the insurer and end customers. Due to the lack of enterprise application portfolio strategy, business functions were onboarding applications in a silo. The net impact was that the insurer’s revenue and market share decreased. Longer turnaround times and outdated UI were discouraging customers. On the other hand, prospective customers were also opting for modernized options available in the market.


Iris delivered app development and managed services across Annuities, Life Insurance, Group Insurance, Retirements and the Global Enterprise Service groups that decide the platform for all business units. Our services spanned around Enterprise Collaboration portal, Financial Wellness platform, Mutual Fund platform modernization, Oracle EBS development and support, and Retirement Annuities platform management. We also executed a scaled Agile program and ran multiple Scrums within the enterprise development and support landscape. Iris tech experts established DevOps and scaled Agile Framework within the client organization and enabled a team of over 150 professionals globally to support business operations 24X7.


Iris has been working around the application portfolio for over three years. We have helped the client deliver an exceptional experience to employees and end customers through active service support. Key outcomes of the delivered solution included:
  • Infrastructure availability increased to 99%
  • Optimized maintainability reduced the KYC process time by 75% 
  • Customer response time cut down by around 40% 
  • Promoter score incremented from 5 to 9 out of 10 
  • Customer retention improved by nearly 80% 
  • Customer acquisition increased by 65%


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