DevOps solution improves scalability by 5x


Automated app & infra deployment improves scalability

Automated app and infra deployment with DevOps implementation help a leading medical company launch applications in new geographies, improve time-to-market, and reduce the total cost of ownership.

North America-based fertility and genomics company
Expand business reach, reduce time-to-market, and support critical compliance
Technology Tools
.NET 5, Vue.js, AWS Secrets Manager, AWS Transfer Family, Amazon RDS, Amazon EKS, Amazon Route 53, Amazon CloudFront, Terraform, GitLab
Business Challenge

The client wanted to expand its reach to Canada, Europe, and APAC regions to meet the requirements for a 10x increase in their user base. Legacy application infrastructure and code built on the old tech stack, with high technical debt, were slowing down the rollout of new features, making the client less competitive. The infra-deployment process was only partially automated, stretching the time-to-market to three months. The total cost of ownership was relatively high. HIPPA and PII compliance were also not supported.


Iris modernized the application into microservices, built the infrastructure using Terraform and automated its provisioning and configuration.

  • Application developed using .NET 5 and Vue.js
  • Architecture transformed into cloud-native
  • AWS Managed Services, including Secrets Manager, AWS Transfer Family, RDS, EKS, Route 53, CloudFront, and S3, configured using Terraform
  • EKS Cluster and associated components provisioned via Terraform
  • App pushed to container registry using GitLab pipeline
  • Secrets (API keys, database connection strings, etc.) and app images moved to EKS Cluster using S3 Bucket Helm
  • Static code analysis, coverage and vulnerability scans integrated to ensure code quality and reduce configuration issues
Our DevOps solution enabled the client to achieve significant benefits, including:
  • Application launch in Canada and Europe; Asia Pacific release in the pipeline
  • HIPPA and PII compliance
  • 5x scalability improvement from weekly average usage
  • Time-to-market reduced from three months to 3 weeks
  • Total cost of ownership lowered by 50%

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Data consolidation speeds up drug search

Data consolidation speeds up drug search


Data consolidation speeds up drug search

An automated cloud-based consolidation application for R&D data helped a pharmaceutical company improve turnaround time to create Approval for Product Release (APR) documents.


A U.S.-based pharmaceutical multinational corporation.


Reduce turnaround time for APRs (Approval for Product Release).

Tools and technologies

Amazon’s AWS OPCx, Webmethods, natural language processing (NLP), neural networks, and Python programming


In pharmaceutical R&D, data is generated from several sources: the process, patients, retailers, and caregivers, among others. Pharmaceutical R&D organizations that use the traditional way of creating APRs manually consolidate paper specifications into binders across all R&D functions.

Specific regional rules, compliance mandates, and external regulations were slowing down the client’s workflow.

The many spreadsheets in multiple formats were leading to errors from manual entry and duplication of data — the inevitable “swivel effect” that results from data being pulled out from disparate, unconnected software packages.

Iris was approached to improve the process of collecting and using data from multiple sources; the improvement would help the client identify and develop new potential drug candidates faster.


Iris’s team of 12 specialists designed, developed, tested, and deployed a cloud-based application that integrates data from multiple regions and eight different systems into a single, unified interface for the client’s users. Our application unified the creation and management of the client’s workflows across its lines of business and 20 different product families.

The development environment included Amazon’s AWS OPCx; Webmethods; natural language processing (NLP); neural networks; and Python programming.


Within a year of the application’s release, 2,800 users were using the application, with 55% of APRs turning around in 10 calendar weeks or less. Thanks to the in-memory data grid, the response time of transactions across the board has been brought down to nearly 2 seconds.

The cloud-based application developed by Iris ensures that data is automatically and seamlessly shared between systems that were previously stand-alone and required the tedious manual entry of data.


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Striking the right balance of care

Striking the right balance of care


Striking the right balance of care

A work-life services provider transformed the care experience for its customers with a user-friendly, intuitive and responsive web platform.


A leading provider of work-life services to caregivers.


Enable caregivers to easily set up and manage care schedules.

Tools and technologies

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Atlassian User Interface (AUI), AngularJS and Liferay DXP7.2


Many young and middle-aged workers combine both work and caregiving responsibilities that cover not only children but extend to parents and pets. Research shows that employees who achieve greater work-family balance are more satisfied in their jobs and happier with their families.

For our client, a leading provider of work-life services, the key to enabling that balance is the setting up of care schedules for dependent or vulnerable family members. The client’s existing solution for managing such schedules, however, was not user-friendly, flexible, or mobile-responsive.

The client's websites offered no provision to schedule premium services for care.

The websites were served by a Liferay V6.2 content management system (CMS) as the common backend for which support ended in December 2020.


We designed and developed a web platform for scheduling care for family members including parents, children, self and pets, with e-mail notifications and quick access to customer care. We migrated the websites to Liferay DXP7.2 CMS backend.

To improve the performance of the web application, we developed website forms as AngularJS-based single-page applications. We developed a responsive website that worked flawlessly across different-sized screens on desktops, tablets and mobile phones.

We used Agile methodologies right from the requirements-gathering phase until the final deployment of the web platform to shorten development time.

To save cost and time, we used an almost identical codebase for both iOS and Android platforms (except for a few configuration settings and device specific features).

Furthermore, our team performed continuous integration using automated build tools, and script and code repositories, to save time during the development, testing and deployment phases.

We ensured that the sites we built followed the WCAG 2.0 and OWASP accessibility and security standards.


  • The web platform we developed ensured the client’s care scheduling interface was user-friendly, flexible and mobile-responsive.
  • Customers could easily create, change and cancel schedules. They also had easy access to records and historical data.
  • The common codebase across iOS and Android ensured significant cost savings in the development and maintenance of the application.
  • Agile methodologies and a high degree of automation reduced costs and shortened the development time.

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