Real-time tracking of a global container fleet

Real-time tracking of a global container fleet

Transportation & Logistics

Real-time tracking of a global container fleet

A cloud-based GPS-integrated solution delivered, for our client, real-time visibility of its shipments, bringing efficiencies in time, cost and regulatory compliance.


A diversified global business group with a strong presence in maritime services.


Real-time tracking of a global container fleet.

Tools and technologies

Microsoft Azure, Node JS, C#, Bootstrap, and HTML5.


The pandemic has made it critical for transportation and logistics firms to manage their assets (or fleets) more efficiently.

Demand is high for real-time asset tracking and tracing solutions. For the marine services business of our client, real-time management of a global fleet of containers required continuous, global tracking.

Tracking the container fleet and meeting compliance requirements was laborious and error-prone, often leading to delays and lost opportunities. The client also did not have a mechanism to track customer usage of pay-per-use containers.

We were tasked with creating multi-tenant based cloud application that would be optimized for cost and yet not compromise the user experiences of customers and field teams.


Our decade-long experience in radio-frequency identification (RFID) helped us address this challenge. Our information engineers, UX designers, solution architects, and business analysts worked onsite with the customer to test scenarios and create a new architecture along with new user experiences and interfaces.

We built the solution using the latest Microsoft Azure cloud services and BizTalk and RFID middleware for an integrated framework involving multiple customers (tenants) and services.

An offshore team engineered the new application with the capabilities sought by the client; the architecture team helped create new systems and environments for development, quality assurance (QA), user acceptance testing (UAT), and production. The solution was capable of handling large amounts of streaming data with the help of edge services located near-site. Customized workflows captured container movement within each site, while GPS services tracked container movement across the globe.

The application, which was deployed well within the scheduled deadline, enables post-production maintenance and enhancements from our offshore center.


We engineered real-time tracking and tracing for the client’s global container fleet, with map support and enhanced personalization for users based on location and asset class. Responsive design ensured that the application could be seamlessly used across various devices.

Our experience with RFID and cloud-based engineering helped us anticipate and prepare the scenarios well in advance so that solutions could be delivered to the client fast. This significantly reduced the time for the client to prepare cost and compliance status reports, and location-based dashboards for KPIs.

The near-real time tracking of containers reduced the time to calculate exact container usage and certificate status from days and hours to a few minutes.

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A legacy portfolio gets a makeover

Mobility | Software product companies

Conquering the cloud

Iris developed a multi-device mobile ticketing and permitting application that seamlessly integrated with local government systems using cloud technology for more efficient law enforcement.

Conquering the cloud
Iris developed a multi-device mobile ticketing and permitting application that seamlessly integrated with local government systems using cloud technology for more efficient law enforcement.
Conquering the cloud
Iris developed a multi-device mobile ticketing and permitting application that seamlessly integrated with local government systems using cloud technology for more efficient law enforcement.
Conquering the cloud
Iris developed a multi-device mobile ticketing and permitting application that seamlessly integrated with local government systems using cloud technology for more efficient law enforcement.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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A legacy portfolio gets a makeover

Advisory & Consulting

A legacy portfolio gets a makeover

How one of the Big Four advisory firms turned around an under-performing, high-cost application portfolio to meet growing business needs.


The client is one of the Big Four advisory firms.


Modernize the legacy application to meet growing business needs.

Tools and technologies

MS SharePoint, MS .Net and MS SQL Server.


The client had multiple legacy applications, deployed over the years. Its business needs had grown with time and the applications were falling short of required service levels. The client faced the following challenges:
  • Lack of integration: Most of the integration with upstream and downstream systems was manual, resulting in common data getting obsolete quickly.
  • The client was finding it difficult and expensive to hire and retain resources to maintain the legacy apps.
  • The legacy system was prone to security breaches and couldn’t be deployed on the enterprise-level stack.
  • The existing system supported only single-user applications, and it wasn’t possible to roll them out to multiple users.


After a comprehensive analysis, we rationalized, classified and distributed the client’s applications portfolio in four areas: 1) upgrade and continue to maintain; 2) rewrite to modernize; 3) consolidate overlapping applications using a framework approach; and, 4) retire. The idea was to deliver maximum value at the lowest cost possible and ensure the system complied with security standards. Here’s what we did for the client:
  • Upgraded the technology stack for the application(s) to lower maintenance costs, improve efficiency and meet growing business needs.
  • Used an in-house technology modernization framework to reduce development and maintenance costs.
  • Consolidated applications that were doing similar tasks and had similar features and modernized them.
  • Retired applications, whose features were available through other applications.
The success of our solution was based on our ability to quickly gather complete information about the existing applications. To do that, we used a questionnaire that we have developed and refined over the years that helps us gather information in a structured and comprehensive manner about the architecture, user base, maintenance methodology, etc.


  • With the legacy modernization and application consolidation process, we reduced the client’s application portfolio from 45 applications to less than 10.
  • Reduced the resources required for maintenance from six to two.
  • The framework-based approach accelerated time-to-market, a critical differentiator for the client.

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An agile sprint for financial data

An agile sprint for financial data

An agile sprint for financial data

How Iris helped a mega sportswear brand’s global operations and financial reports go flexible, agile, and analytical.


Among the world’s largest manufacturers of sportswear, the client sells its products in more than 120 countries and employs more than 13,000 people.


To significantly reduce turnaround time and ease associated with report creation.

Tools and technologies

Microsoft SQL Server’s Analysis Services (SSAS), Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), Boomi AtomSphere, and Power BI.


The client’s finance department was using standard SAP reports which limited the flexibility to slice and dice data or add fields to reports. Modifying or creating new reports was either difficult or expensive. Top management, including the CFO and financial controllers, were finding it difficult to create a high-level, integrated view of the company’s finances. The existing process required data transposition between various systems, including the SAP and Oracle systems. Much of this data was extracted and consolidated manually, which was time-consuming, and took around a week.


Iris executed a distributed Agile framework for the client’s global delivery model. Our solution pulled data out of the client’s SAP ERP system using Dell Boomi adapters, and leveraged SSIS (SQL server integration services) to transform it into enriched data. This data was mapped and made actionable through interactive PowerBI Tableau dashboards. With the help of a custom-made finance data model, a data warehouse was created. The easily shareable data cubes not only replaced all legacy reports, but also reduced the number of SAP user licenses.


With the availability of Power BI dashboards and the capability to slice-and-dice financial data, client managers now have a better view of operations and accounting flows. The data consolidation allows users to create need-based reports without additional licenses. The automation of the entire process from data extraction and transformation to publishing of analytical cubes has enabled the client teams to significantly reduce time required to produce reports – from days to a few minutes. They have been able to achieve a 95% reduction in time and effort.

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A playbook for banks on managing M&A integration

A playbook for banks on managing M&A integration


A playbook for banks on M&A integration

Efficient management of the complexities of disparate systems and data after an acquisition saves time and money.


Banks that have merged or acquired new businesses.


Manage migration and integration complexity post M&A.

Tools and technologies

The Iris business acquisition playbook for banks.


In a low-interest rate regime, achieving scale is the only way for banks to stay profitable. The top 25 banks are growing at a rate faster than rest of the pack. The search for profitability from scale is predicated upon their ability to ensure that operational costs do not grow linearly with business. A significant part of this growth will come inorganically. Apart from M&As, brownfield expansion comes with banks selling off their books of business for reasons ranging from realigned strategic priorities to the more mundane need of raising cash. Any IT costs in absorbing the new book of work will negate the advantages of size.


Iris has been working with banking clients to create a business acquisition playbook outlining steps to insource with a migration and integration strategy. We have enabled clients to deal with post-merger integrations and create a single source of truth for transactional data and positions. The Iris team delivered solutions specifically tailored for applications in the loan origination and servicing space. We have helped our banking clients:
  • Consolidate multiple acquisition playbooks to create a single standardized framework for their lending business
  • Define insourcing steps for business and technology teams and create a migration strategy with quantifiable recommendations and a reusable checklist for insourcing activities.
  • Assess capability and readiness and help them choose from insourcing options:
  • Achieve full migration of data and systems
  • Achieve partial migration of systems and data migration and integration
  • Manage data integration and connectivity for lending business.


We have helped clients achieve 50% savings in cycle time and cost for post-merger integration of business processes, application and data.

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Deliver personalization via report automation

Deliver personalization via report automation

Asset Management

Deliver personalization via report automation

A leading asset management firm personalized offerings by automating processes to glean customer insights.


A leading asset management firm based in the U.S.


Help asset managers deliver personalized solutions to establish differentiation.

Tools and technologies

AquaData Studio, Java, Perl, Python, Spring, Hibernate, VRS, PostgreSQL, Composite and MS SQL.


Asset management firms face challenges such as a generational shift in the demographic and new patterns of investment behavior. They also face changing regulations, and aggregators with low-cost products who are thinning the pool of investible funds. Our client wanted to differentiate itself by offering customer-centric solutions that are flexible and adaptable. But its existing systems presented several challenges:
  • Its front, mid and back office functions needed a lot of manual effort
  • Business rules were inconsistent and data duplication was rampant
  • User experience on the platform needed significant improvement
  • Clients were unable to get a holistic view of their accounts
  • Data validation was consuming a lot of manhours


We partnered with the asset manager to deliver better digital experiences to all its stakeholders. We created a robust data ecosystem and used advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence/machine learning or AI/ML, intelligent automation, cloud computing and test automation.
  • Our team streamlined and integrated the client’s front, middle and back office functions. We helped the client integrate their back-office solutions with their custodians, reducing complexity in information exchange, eliminating reconciliation and increasing operational efficiency by more than 75%.
  • We automated the creation of more than 7,000 reports.
  • Improved experience for retail and institutional clients by automating the generation of complex compliance and strategic reports.
  • Developed a strategic reporting module that gave customers a holistic view of their accounts and holdings.
  • Set up a business data validation team offshore.
  • Enabled self-service option for bespoke reports.


Our solution helped the client significantly improve front-end experience for customers; reduce manual effort and costs in the back office; and improve overall operations efficiency. Highlights of the outcomes:
  • Automated the exhibits process with 75% increase in throughput
  • Our report automation solution reduced manual effort by 70% and improved monthly artefact generation throughput by 40%
  • Reduced manual effort for customization in client profile management by 60%
  • Achieved $50,000 savings monthly in data validation for client profile management

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Setting a high standard for member experience

Setting a high standard for member experience

Standards & Membership

Setting a standard for member experience

We helped a global standards organization build a cloud-native microservices-based platform to store and share data on billions of products with members.


One of the world’s leading retail standards organizations.


Build a 24x7 cloud-based platform capable of storing and sharing data on billions of products.

Tools and technologies

Java, Python, NodeJS, .NET, Azure PostgreSQL, Azure SQL, MongoDB, Redis, Azure DevOps, Pipelines, Git, Docker, Kubernetes and Azure App Service.


Our client is a global standards organization. Its products and codes are used by millions of brand owners, retailers and supply chain partners around the world.

The organization needed an always-on, scalable cloud-based platform capable of storing and sharing data on billions of products and related information with members and partners across the world.

The client also wanted the ability to onboard member organizations quickly and seamlessly.

They wanted the business capabilities developed on a platform to be available as modern and secure enterprise-level APIs.


We chose a microservices architecture for high agility, loose coupling, independent deployability and maintainability.

We followed an API design-first approach and designed according to the standards-based API specification (OpenAPI Specification).

In line with best practices for securely publishing and maintaining APIs, our team deployed the Azure API management solution. We used Azure APIM developer portal to deliver a superior developer onboarding experience. The solution had other features as well:

  • Design and implementation of the Azure Virtual network for securely hosting the platform.
  • A cloud-native architecture using the Azure AppService and an Azure-managed Kubernetes platform.
  • Comprehensive performance testing and optimization at all levels to meet strict SLAs.
  • Security testing and vulnerability assessment to ensure secure APIs.


  • A robust and secure API platform that handles 200,000 API requests per day
  • 50 million codes uploaded in 40 product categories across more than 130 countries
  • Delivered a developer portal for quick onboarding of application developers
  • New 7-step verification mechanism led to the creation of new revenue streams

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An API ecosystem expedites customer onboarding

An API ecosystem expedites customer onboarding

Transportation & Logistics

How APIs help in rapid customer onboarding

A global leader in logistics created an API ecosystem that significantly transformed its customer experience.


The client is a leading logistics and transportation services provider, ranked among the top 10 in the world.


Rapid onboarding of partners and customers; improve customer experience.

Tools and technologies

Azure, Dell Boomi APIM and oAuth 2.


The growing volume of business required the client to respond faster to market demands. On their current systems, it was a challenge for the support staff to onboard new clients and service their requests.

The client needed a solution that would help it respond quickly to diverse business needs, including:

  • Last mile shipment tracking and alerts across carrier networks
  • Quotes for multiple shipment options
  • Special fulfilment orders
  • Order personalization for seasonal surges


We proposed and developed a comprehensive API layer that allowed customers and partners to access client systems using APIs.

Customers and partners could easily track shipments and get quotes on their own. This reduced the need for support personnel to service routine requests. The team configured these APIs on Boomi’s API Management to enable seamless real-time integration.


  • Improved onboarding speed: 20+ partners per month
  • Enabled client to handle large volumes of requests, with a service capacity of 35,000 API requests a day
  • Improved customer experience through real-time rates and quotes

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Striking the right balance of care

Striking the right balance of care


Striking the right balance of care

A work-life services provider transformed the care experience for its customers with a user-friendly, intuitive and responsive web platform.


A leading provider of work-life services to caregivers.


Enable caregivers to easily set up and manage care schedules.

Tools and technologies

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Atlassian User Interface (AUI), AngularJS and Liferay DXP7.2


Many young and middle-aged workers combine both work and caregiving responsibilities that cover not only children but extend to parents and pets. Research shows that employees who achieve greater work-family balance are more satisfied in their jobs and happier with their families.

For our client, a leading provider of work-life services, the key to enabling that balance is the setting up of care schedules for dependent or vulnerable family members. The client’s existing solution for managing such schedules, however, was not user-friendly, flexible, or mobile-responsive.

The client's websites offered no provision to schedule premium services for care.

The websites were served by a Liferay V6.2 content management system (CMS) as the common backend for which support ended in December 2020.


We designed and developed a web platform for scheduling care for family members including parents, children, self and pets, with e-mail notifications and quick access to customer care. We migrated the websites to Liferay DXP7.2 CMS backend.

To improve the performance of the web application, we developed website forms as AngularJS-based single-page applications. We developed a responsive website that worked flawlessly across different-sized screens on desktops, tablets and mobile phones.

We used Agile methodologies right from the requirements-gathering phase until the final deployment of the web platform to shorten development time.

To save cost and time, we used an almost identical codebase for both iOS and Android platforms (except for a few configuration settings and device specific features).

Furthermore, our team performed continuous integration using automated build tools, and script and code repositories, to save time during the development, testing and deployment phases.

We ensured that the sites we built followed the WCAG 2.0 and OWASP accessibility and security standards.


  • The web platform we developed ensured the client’s care scheduling interface was user-friendly, flexible and mobile-responsive.
  • Customers could easily create, change and cancel schedules. They also had easy access to records and historical data.
  • The common codebase across iOS and Android ensured significant cost savings in the development and maintenance of the application.
  • Agile methodologies and a high degree of automation reduced costs and shortened the development time.

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A robust platform for investment advisors

A robust platform for investment advisors

Brokerage & Wealth

A robust platform for investment advisors

A prominent U.S. brokerage firm transformed its monolithic legacy apps for registered investment advisors (RIAs) into a microservices-based open platform and significantly improved user experience.


A leading brokerage and wealth management firm based in the U.S.


Create a best-in-class platform for registered investment advisors (RIAs).

Tools and technologies

Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Gateway, Angular 6, TIBCO AMX BW, SQL Server, Hybrid Automation Framework (Selenium, Appium, Perfecto) and AppDynamics


With growing competition from nimble fintechs, custodians are under pressure to provide RIAs a differentiated experience. Many of them are looking to use advanced technology solutions such as machine learning, artificial intelligence and data and analytics to help RIAs improve the end consumer experience.

Our client had multiple legacy platforms built over the years that was preventing it from providing their RIAs with a secure, integrated and cost-effective solution.


Iris has been played an integral role in transforming the client’s technology landscape from a legacy system to a modern, open, API-based architecture. The solutions we have implemented include:

  • An open access platform with API architecture as part of the client’s go-to-market strategy. We continue to work on integrating third party vendor applications and RIA back-office applications onto this platform.
  • The platform is highly reliable and secure with protection of data at rest and in motion using encryption. We have enabled encryption of data in transit to protect over 100+ integrations outside the client environment. We have used SAML and OAuth for user authentication.
  • An SSO solution provides multi-factor authentication (MFA) and a framework for privileged access management to secure customer information. The Iris team has also ensured mobile security for iOS & Android devices and helped the client plug platform vulnerabilities.
  • Developed responsive design as part of the UI transformation initiatives for core trading, advisory and educational solutions.
  • Transformed monolithic application into micro services-based architecture.
  • Provided flexible development capabilities with distributed Agile teams and extensive test automation reducing time to market and achieving significant cost savings.
  • Digitized end-to-end client onboarding with features for bulk onboarding, advisor authorization and ability to submit statutory documentation online and offline.
  • Created back-office solutions for money movement and cash and asset management that allowed RIAs to get a holistic view of clients and serve them on the go.
  • Customizable workflow to serve needs of individual advisor firms.


We enabled the client to securely integrate over hundreds of third-party apps and RIA back-office applications. Our test automation and Agile solutions helped the client reduce time to market for new features by 40%. Reduced the regression cycle duration by 60% with automated tests over six months. Increased test automation coverage to 70%. Reduced defect leakage to less than 1%. Improved performance of business transactions by 30% to 40% on the web platform. Addressed > 70% of security and vulnerability issues, leading to a better customer experience.

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Gain speed to market with DevOps solutions

Gain speed to market with DevOps solutions

Wealth Management

Gain speed to market with DevOps solutions

A wealth management firm moved from a legacy application environment to a microservices ecosystem. The switch cut production time and expedited the roll-out of releases.


The client is a leading wealth management firm in the U.S.


DevOps strategy to shorten production timelines and speed time-to-market.

Tools and technologies

JIRA, Jenkins, GitHub, AWS, ECR, Docker, EKS and Helm.


The client used multiple legacy applications with a highly complex codebase to run its operations. As a result, it had long production lifecycles and spent several person-hours in integration and deployment.

On the technology front, the client faced challenges in the way server-side applications were defined, stored and managed. Its IT team also had to manage the deployment of multiple Kubernetes manifest files.


Iris recommended that the client move to a microservices ecosystem. Here’s how we deployed the solution:

  • We defined an enterprise-level DevOps strategy using Helm
  • Identified the scope of apps that needed to be on-boarded across the enterprise
  • Implemented a DevOps pipeline for microservices on the Kubernetes cluster
  • Deployed the infrastructure, dependencies and applications with Kubernetes using Helm
  • Delivered continuous improvement through Helm release updates and rollbacks


The DevOps pipeline significantly improved time-to-market for new releases.

  • 20x faster release cycle
  • 40% improvement in quality with end-to-end traceability
  • 15x improvement in the mean time to deployment (MTTD)

We also put in place robust security control and validation processes; and provided for auditable release requests.

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