Gen AI interface enhances API productivity and UX

Transportation & Logistics

Gen AI interface enhances API productivity and UX

Integrating Generative AI technology and developer portal reduces logistics provider’s API onboarding to 1-2 days.

Leading logistics services provider
Improve API functionality and developer team’s productivity and user experience
Tools and Technologies
Open AI (GPT-3.5 & 4 Turbo LLM), AWS Lambda, Streamlit, Python, Apigee
Business Challenge

A leading logistics provider offers an API Developer Portal as a central hub for managing APIs, enabling collaboration, documentation, and integration efforts, but faces limitations, including:

  • Challenges to comprehend schemas, necessitating continued reliance on developers
  • No means to individually search for API operations on the API Developer Portal
  • Difficulties keeping track of changes in newly-released API versions
  • Potential week-long delays as business analysts or product owners must engage developers to check if existing APIs can support new website functionalities

Integrating Gen AI technology with API, we provided a user-friendly chat interface for business users. Features include:

  • Conversational interface for API interaction, eliminating the need for technical expertise to interact directly with APIs
  • Search mechanism for API operations, query parameters, and request attributes
  • Version comparison and tailored response generation
  • Backend API execution according to user query needs


  • Business users are now empowered with a chat-based interface for querying API details
  • Users can seamlessly explore APIs, streamlining collaboration with the API team and reducing onboarding time to one or two days, ultimately enhancing the customer experience for all stakeholders
  • Developer productivity improved with the AI-powered tools in the API Developer Portal
  • Functionality is enhanced from the version comparison, individual API operation search, and tailored responses

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API migration benefits leading logistics company


Phased API migration benefits leading logistics company

Phased migration of Boomi APIs to Apigee helps a leading logistics company improve performance and scale without business disruption

A leader in truck transportation and logistics services
Migrate Boomi-based logistics APIs to improve performance and scalability
Technology Tools
Apigee, Boomi, Swagger, JMeter, Postman, GCP
Business Challenge

The client's existing Boomi Atom platform with logistics APIs had lifecycle and monitoring issues, with frequent and elongated downtimes, causing customer experience challenges.

The system did not support the logging of events, and API transactions were untraceable. Identifying the number of customers facing issues and incidents when APIs were not working was difficult. The absence of alerting mechanisms, scalability concerns, and the Boomi platform's high licensing costs were other critical challenges.

An optimized API governance system was required to provide an abstraction for the backend services, security, and efficiencies around rate limiting, quotas, and analytics.


Iris strategized the smooth transition of 250+ Boomi APIs, starting with 20 in the pilot phase. The entire migration was planned to occur in four waves.

First, the pseudocode of Boomi APIs was documented and reviewed. The team then developed proxies in Apigee X following a TDD (Test-driven Development) approach. A well-defined logging framework was provided to the client for capturing appropriate parameters for tracking API calls.

Seamless migration of API keys from Boomi API Management (APIM) to Apigee X apps was performed. Network routing at F5 for the individual proxies was implemented to transfer the traffic from Boomi to Apigee post migration in each wave. Process metering, monitoring, and adherence/compliance hooks were inserted into the system.


Our API migration solution delivered the following outcomes:

  • Improved performance and scalability by 30%
  • Centralized logging and alerting for both APIM and backend systems resulting in 40% MTTR (Mean Time for Ticket Resolution)
  • Apigee analytics enablement for API traffic, request latency, response time, target errors, and transaction revenue analysis
  • Enablement of API discovery, monetization, registration, partner onboarding, and governance
  • Ability to integrate the system into the Apigee developer portal
  • Eliminated Boomi licensing cost

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Test Automation Speeds Model Risk Management System

Test Automation Speeds Model Risk Management System


Test Automation Speeds Model Risk Management System

Automated testing for a top international bank's model risk management system brings efficiency and reliability.


Top international bank


Fully automate the model risk management system framework to improve quality and confidence in testing results

Tools and technologies

Java, Selenium, Maven, TestNG, Git


The client's existing model risk framework was inefficiently handling functional testing aspects and risk scenarios due to lack of an end-to-end testing framework. Built on redundant, hard-to-debug, and non-scalable code, the system was unreliable for model risk testing. Test cases and controls were maintained and executed in Excel, eliminating parallel workflow abilities, tempering testing results, contributing to increased testing efforts and even delaying production launches in some cases. Scalability of testing using automation, running data-driven, end-to-end test flows, and restoring confidence in test results were the client's prime challenges.


Iris built a lightweight and scalable new framework, providing 100% automated regression testing of functional test cases. Using simplified, customizable code that separated automation utilities and test functions, Iris' solution brought multiple improvements. Among them was faster test execution due to significantly reduced manual efforts. It also resulted in better quality and stability from the early identification of testing issues, enabling immediate corrective actions to occur. Another advantage of the solution was adaptability to multiple application areas due to ease of maintainability and traceability of code employed.


The client experienced several positive effects from the new, fully-automated solution:

  • Acquired a 100% stable, scalable, reusable test framework
  • ROI of 72%; payback period of less than 8 months
  • 20% reduction in testing efforts for faster time to market
  • Significant decrease in time required for ongoing maintenance of test scripts


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Brokerage platform transformation improves UX

Brokerage platform transformation improves UX

Brokerage & Wealth

Brokerage platform transformation achieves superior UX

A monolithic registered investment advisor (RIA) platform transformed into microservices helps a leading brokerage firm achieve enhanced operations and user experience.


A leading U.S. brokerage firm with $1+ trillion in assets and serving 6,000+ RIAs


Resolve online platform accessibility, functionality and timeliness issues

Tools and technologies

Angular 9, Jenkins, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Oracle, Kubernetes, Spring, Docker


Client’s existing brokerage platform supporting over 6,000 Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) and containing information about assets valued at more than $1 trillion had accessibility issues. The high cost of owning and maintaining outdated technologies and time-to-market for new features were adding to the business challenges.


Iris transitioned the client’s monolith applications to microservices to transform the RIA platform. An open-source, cloud technical stack was leveraged to develop a single-page, micro-UI-based application. BFF (Backend for Frontend) design was applied, and Angular 9 was used to achieve superior compatibility on mobile devices. Widgets were introduced to enable seamless transitions within third-party applications. Consolidated user views were created to track assets and their performance for a unified experience for the RIAs.


The RIA platform transformation enabled the client to achieve significant functional enhancements, including:
  • Fully functional mobile views
  • 100+ integrated third-party applications
  • Instant and seamless access to client accounts
  • Downtime for hot deployments of fixes brought to zero
  • Technical debt decreased by 45%
  • Release timelines shortened by 80%
  • Issue resolution time reduced by 90%


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Digital ledger secures trading integrity

Digital ledger secures trading integrity

Banking & Financial Services

Digital ledger secures trading integrity

Automated, expandable distributed ledger system resolves trade reconciliation and compliance issues and lowers costs for global bank.


Global bank's trading operations


Resolve trading transaction breaks and related regulatory issues through expandable intra-company digital ledger system

Tools and technologies

Hyperledger Fabric 1.4/2.2, Java 8, Go Language 1.8, Kafka, Node JS, Microservices, OpenShift, Dockers, Kubernetes


A highly-manual, paper-dependent, trading and reconciliation process was causing the accumulation of a large number of daily transaction liquidity breaks, which had been cited by federal regulators and risked a billion dollar cost impact. The lack of a robust trade audit and reconciliation process to reduce liquidity breaks and operating costs led the bank to seek an immutable system that could record and unify financial practices and be expanded to other transaction areas.


Iris' solution comprised a production-ready, configurable platform using microservices and blockchain-based digital ledger architecture. It employed Smart Contracts coded with requisite business rules to facilitate front office trade booking and trade reconciliation processes. RPA was utilized to automate data mapping and testing of transactions. Preventive controls were enabled by recording intra-company transactions at their initiation using uniform booking practices, and consequently guaranteeing the term of the trade. A multi-layered infrastructure was created to support real-time, batch streaming of differing file formats. The UX was enriched through Interactive UI and automated workflows.


Iris successfully introduced a global intra-company distributed ledger and trade reconciliation system that did not exist before. With self-executing contracts matching both sides of transactions prior to feeding downstream systems, the platform ensures complete integrity at the source and reduces time and cost for all transactions. The solution also achieved:

  • 30% fewer liquidity breaks
  • 70% improvement in operational efficiency due to the use of RPA
  • 60% reduction in business-rules configuration time, due to the smart contracts


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IT modernization lowers costs for capital markets

IT modernization lowers costs for capital markets

Capital Markets

IT modernization lowers costs for capital markets

Age-old applications built on legacy technologies were affecting the client’s investment banking functions. Iris modernized the existing application architecture and helped the client save tremendous costs and turnaround time.


A major financial institution


Re-engineer key compliance application for greater efficiency

Tools and technologies

Oracle 12c, 19c, Elastic, Java and Kafka


The client’s existing database application architecture was resulting in poor performance that was adversely affecting 10,000 investment banking functions. The age-old application posture was disrupting the compliance process for the global M&A, IPO, and other financing deals. The client’s customers were encountering problems such as regulations access, inconsistent or unusable data/deal search results, lagging database updates, delayed response time. The need for a capable system to support duplicate searches, and increasing ad-hoc IT redress efforts and costs were other prime concerns.


Our tech experts re-engineered the entire compliance application and set up a new software system. We upgraded selective elements to improve the infrastructure performance and usage feasibility. The modernized system with new technology architecture streamlined processes and enabled faster, more advanced interactions between the information databases, search queries, and retrieval mechanisms. Complex procedures and the process of viewing features were also simplified.


The solution improved the user experience, turnarounds, data quality, deal compliance, and risk management processes while lowering the costs. Major impacts of the solution include:

  • Reduced system issues by 93%, while 7% tackled subsequently
  • Reduced enterprise-level license costs significantly
  • Improved advanced search features
  • Reduced costs of multiple searches per document by $200,000 per year
  • Enabled views generation for info responses in less than 3 seconds
  • Reduced system maintenance and development efforts by 20%


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SFTR solution strengthened market leadership

SFTR solution strengthened market leadership

Risk & Compliance

Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) compliance made easy

A global trading company solidifies its EU market leadership with regulatory solution and supporting to a throughput of 6 million transactions per hour


A leading provider of market data and trading services


Support complex regulatory reporting with automated solution

Tools and technologies

Java, Spring Boot, Apache Camel, CXF, Drools BRE, Oracle, JBoss Fuse, Elasticsearch, Git, Bitbucket, Sonar, Maven


The client offers an automated, integrated solution to its clients in the European Union (EU) for complying with the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR). Effective in recent years, SFTR requires timely and detailed reporting based on multitudes of data, systems, collateral, and lifecycle events. The voluminous data is captured from hundreds of millions of daily transactions made to multiple trade repositories registered by the European Securities and Markets Authorities (ESMA). Non-compliance at any stage is risky, potentially very costly, for all trade counterparties, i.e., broker-dealers, banks, asset managers, institutional investors.


Experienced in diverse technologies, big data, and capital markets, team Iris developed a streamlined, end-to-end data reporting platform with complex trade matching and monitoring systems. Improving speed, accuracy, and flexibility, the new architecture supports high trade concurrency and acceptance rates with parallel processing of millions of transactions. The delivered solution also enabled optimal load balancing and matched the reconciliation at the trade repository. Built with microservices to accommodate future scalability, standardization, data quality, and security requirements, the system implemented functional enhancements. A Unique Transaction Identifier (UTI) subsystem was also developed for sharing and matching counterparty transactions, enabling plug-and-play setup for new repositories, and supporting any changes in outbound or inbound data report formats required by ESMA or clients. Improved dashboards and search pages helped the end-users in better configuration and tracking of their transactions.


The nimble delivery and successful roll-out of the new SFTR platform delivered the desired strategic competitive advantage to the client for maintaining its EU market leader position. The consolidated solution also helped in:
  • Generating additional revenue from extending the new reporting services to 17 firms.
  • Beating the industry benchmark (~91%), achieving a higher transaction acceptance rate (~97%), and match reconciliation at the trade repository.
  • Supporting a high throughput of 6 million transactions per hour which is scalable up to 10 million.


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Cloud transformation increases business agility

Cloud transformation increases business agility

Standards & Membership

Global Standards organization increases business agility

Existing applications supporting the business were built on monolith architecture with high technical debt. Iris transformed over 15 years old monolith applications into microservices with automated integration and cloud deployment to deliver faster MVPs.


A non-profit global organization responsible for developing and maintaining standards, including barcodes with over 115 local member organizations and over 2 million user companies

Business Drivers

To deliver MVPs in shorter cycles, reduce Mean Time for Ticket Resolution (MTTR), and lower the total cost of ownership

Tools and technologies

C#/.NET Core, Python/DJango, NodeJS/Express, Azure WAF, Azure APIM, App Services, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Monitor, Application Insights

Global Standards Business Challenge


The client had a suite of legacy applications to generate barcodes that are scanned globally over 6 million times a day. These applications were built on monolithic architectures using heavy-weight application servers and outdated technologies. This architecture was causing long development cycles, making the organization less competitive. Developers’ productivity was also dropping due to high technical debt.
Global Standards Cloud Solution


Azure cloud offered some of the foundational features like container orchestration, app engine, integration, API gateway, monitoring and others, making cloud-specific modernization a natural choice.

Modernization strategy involved reverse engineering of on-premise applications, domain-specific grouping the product backlogs by, adopting domain-driven design, and using open source cloud-friendly software with CI/CD pipeline. We transformed the applications to a .NET core framework using cloud-native design principles on Azure cloud. The solution was developed using Azure App Services, front door and service bus following the agile development approach with two-week sprints.

Global Standards Cloud Outcomes


Iris helped the client realize multiple business benefits, including higher agility, resiliency and cost-efficient IT operations. Key outcomes of this cloud modernization engagement are:

  • Reduction in Mean Time for Ticket Resolution (MTTR) by 30%
  • Increase in application and infrastructure uptime to 99.9%
  • Real-time visibility of application and infra metrics
  • Enabled bi-weekly MVP delivery


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Powering shop floor efficiency with data analytics

Powering shop floor efficiency with data analytics


Powering efficiency on the shop floor

An Iris innovation helped a diesel engine manufacturer eliminate production bottlenecks.


A leading diesel engine manufacturer


Reduce bottlenecks on the production line that arise from last-minute changes to orders and ensure compliance with build instructions

Tools and technologies

Windows, SQL Server, C#, .NET, ESB, HTML5, Angular, GitHub, JIRA, Visual Studio, and WebStrom


A diesel engine manufacturer based in Detroit faced frequent production delays. The cause of the inefficiency was its build book system. The manufacturer used a printed build book to communicate the specifications of the engine being built to the production floor. But, often after the book was sent to the shop floor, the manufacturer had to make changes to specifications. In such cases, those working on the production line would not be able to use the printed build book. Waiting for a reprinted book would halt production. As a result, the changes were usually communicated outside the manual and assumed to be followed. If the new specifications weren’t followed, they would be discovered only in quality assurance, leading to a loss of time and dollars.


The client wanted a solution to resolve bottlenecks created by the printed build book and ensure compliance with build instructions. Ideally, the build book is dynamically pushed onto a handheld device assigned to the shop floor. The system would allow managers to update the specifications in the build book on the fly and alert the production team to the changes.

The device would also communicate the status of production to managers. For example, they would know which work center is working on an engine so that relevant pages of the build book could be updated and displayed to those work centers. 

Iris custom-built an application that allowed real-time updates of the build book. It was designed to push the build book to work center operators on V10 devices (RFID transponders) with screen sizes ranging from 3 inches to 10 inches. The solution included a consolidated dashboard that provided the management near real-time visibility of work centers and the status of the engine production.


During Phase 1 of the project, we deployed 250 V10 devices. After a pilot run of four weeks, the client stopped printing build books; the handheld devices with our application were a superior alternative. The solution helped eliminate printing costs and allowed the manufacturer to accommodate last-minute changes in specifications without disrupting production.

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Pandemic pivot from physical to online tests

Pandemic pivot from physical to online tests


Pandemic pivot from physical to online tests

System modernization helped a multinational educational testing and assessment organization overcome COVID-19 disruptions to deliver seamless and accurate digital testing.


A leading U.S.-based educational testing and assessment services company


Switch from in-person to online testing

Tools and technologies

AWS Serverless, Dynamo DB, Node.js, Typescript, Java, Jenkins, and Angular


Our client, which provides educational testing and assessment services, faced an existential threat with the pandemic-era lockdowns and social distancing
requirements. The testing centers it operated at physical locations were unable to open, leaving thousands of students worldwide in a state of uncertainty. 
Our client had to switch from in-person testing centers to a digital-first or online
testing solution almost overnight. To achieve that, it had to migrate rapidly from legacy systems to the cloud. It also needed to ensure the sanctity and accuracy of its tests while delivering a seamless digital experience to its customers. Other challenges included the ability to dynamically scale up or scale down capacity in response to demand, maintain acceptable service levels, and enable thousands of
expert test raters’ to access and evaluate tests.


Iris Software stepped in to facilitate a strategic digital pivot in the business model to secure the company’s future. Modernization efforts that were underway at the company even before the pandemic were accelerated as a digital upgrade became imperative. We shifted the data stored on legacy infrastructure was to the cloud. Our team developed a new testing interface that would work overnight across devices, geographies, and different internet connections. Switching the testing operations to the cloud with scalable capacity could help manage the surge in the number of users for the tests Iris also deployed automation and AI tools to deliver superior experiences for test raters. Those who faced challenges while attempting to grade tests were provided with an always-on AI-based solution to automate the troubleshooting and ticketing process.


The client now has scalable, digital-first testing capabilities to meet all its testing requirements.

  • Cloud-based testing ensures that students, evaluators, and employees have access on-demand.
  • The remote testing options are accurate, secure and safe from external threats.
  • A strong focus on automation and user experience has allowed for optimized online offerings.
  • Surges in demand for tests can be met rapidly and at scale with minimal intervention.
  • Thanks to the always-on cloud offerings, service levels are easily maintained.
  • The successful digital pivot has led to strong interest in a hybrid operating model to safeguard the business from threats in the future.

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